Websites By Design
PO Box 760
Endeavour Hills 3802
Victoria, Australia
Phone +61 3 9706 1217
Mobile 0418 351 313
Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision.
- Peter Drucker

Privacy Statement

Websites By Design is a business that prides itself on honest and reputable business practices. As such, the integrity of our clients' private and confidential information is paramount to maintaining our professional reputation.
Additionally, we believe visitors to the Websites By Design website have every right to browse the site's content without having to disclose their identity or provide any data &/or information of a private or confidential nature.
Website User Information
As you view the Websites By Design website, certain information may be captured by our ISP, and logged for statistical purposes.
No attempt is made to identify users or their browsing activities from these log files, except where required by law.
Any information provided to Websites By Design by way of online enquiry or feedback form is used only for the purpose for which it was provided, and will not be used for commercial purposes; nor will it be shared with, sold, disclosed or otherwise disseminated to any third parties.
The information collected for statistical purposes includes:
  • your computer's TCP/IP address
  • the date and time of requests to the web server
  • the request method and protocol version (eg. GET/HTTP/1.1)
  • the status code of the request (eg. Code 200 means 'OK')
  • the type of browser used to make each request.
Websites By Design is not responsible for any other sites which we may link to. We do not, nor will we ever, take responsibility for their actions.
Client Information
During the course of building or maintaining a client's website, there is a likelihood that confidential information &/or data may be disclosed to Websites By Design.
In circumstances where Websites By Design does obtain information of a private and confidential nature, we guarantee that such information will never be used for commercial purposes; nor will it be shared with, sold, disclosed, or otherwise disseminated to any third parties.